This blog is about part 1 of my 20,000+ mile car-camping trip with my dogs from DC to Alaska via Labrador. Part 1, in 2011, was to the end of the road in northeastern North America in Labrador and then on to Quebec and Ontario, 7609 miles. Part 2, which took place in 2012, picked up where Part 1 left off in Ontario and was supposed to extend to Banff and Jasper National Parks in the Canadian Rockies, but Leben, my male German shepherd, became paralyzed on the trip so we cut it short. We will finish the journey in 2013, when we will return to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

Day 1, August 6th - We're off

If all goes well, we should be off in 30 minutes. I hope the vehicle holds the 500 pounds of gear and supplies on the roof rack alone. Destination tonight is a lakeside campsite near Scranton, Pennsylvania, about 6  hours away the way I have to drive.  I do not know what kind of success I will have with the iPad on the road, but I'll give it on try. Tomorrow we shoot for a camp in Massachusetts, then next night one in Maine and the following night in New Brunswick, Canada.  We'll see.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Ed, Mike & Kim Slattery from Hamilton Ont, We met up with you at the prov park in Labrador where you had just been eaten alive by blackflies...After 5 days we made it home, but with another broken spring on our popup. The roads were dreadful and the dust was choking...most of the time we could not see a thing due to the dust the trucks kicked up. We hope you made it home safely!
