If all goes well, we should be off in 30 minutes. I hope the vehicle holds the 500 pounds of gear and supplies on the roof rack alone. Destination tonight is a lakeside campsite near Scranton, Pennsylvania, about 6 hours away the way I have to drive. I do not know what kind of success I will have with the iPad on the road, but I'll give it on try. Tomorrow we shoot for a camp in Massachusetts, then next night one in Maine and the following night in New Brunswick, Canada. We'll see.
The blog is about part 1 (of three) of my 20,000+ mile, car-camping trip with my dogs from DC to Alaska via Labrador.
This blog is about part 1 of my 20,000+ mile car-camping trip with my dogs from DC to
Hi Ed, Mike & Kim Slattery from Hamilton Ont, We met up with you at the prov park in Labrador where you had just been eaten alive by blackflies...After 5 days we made it home, but with another broken spring on our popup. The roads were dreadful and the dust was choking...most of the time we could not see a thing due to the dust the trucks kicked up. We hope you made it home safely!