This blog is about part 1 of my 20,000+ mile car-camping trip with my dogs from DC to Alaska via Labrador. Part 1, in 2011, was to the end of the road in northeastern North America in Labrador and then on to Quebec and Ontario, 7609 miles. Part 2, which took place in 2012, picked up where Part 1 left off in Ontario and was supposed to extend to Banff and Jasper National Parks in the Canadian Rockies, but Leben, my male German shepherd, became paralyzed on the trip so we cut it short. We will finish the journey in 2013, when we will return to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

Sonntag's and Kessie's rest in Alaska

Google Earth photo

Click on photo to enlarge.  See upper left marker in Alaska on photo of North America  (click here) for location of this spot on the map.  Note GPS coordinates at bottom of above photo or below)

68°33'00.34" N 149°29'21.19" W

Cut and paste the above coordinates into the "Fly To" bar in Googe Earth. Or BLOCK it, and tghen click on Google Maps to see the map location.  In Google Maps you can then select the Satellite option.

The road cutting across the right side of the photo is the Dalton Highway. The lower (smaller) bare spot on the left side of the road is the cutoff from the road. My tent (in the photo of Sonntag and me in the snowstorm) was pitched at the end of that.  The upper bare spot is the prominence described in my July 5, 2011 posting.  At the end of that is the exact spot where Sonntag's and Kessie's ashes were spread from on August 21, 2001, exactly one year from when the photo was taken.

68°33'00.34" N 149°29'21.19" W

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