This blog is about part 1 of my 20,000+ mile car-camping trip with my dogs from DC to Alaska via Labrador. Part 1, in 2011, was to the end of the road in northeastern North America in Labrador and then on to Quebec and Ontario, 7609 miles. Part 2, which took place in 2012, picked up where Part 1 left off in Ontario and was supposed to extend to Banff and Jasper National Parks in the Canadian Rockies, but Leben, my male German shepherd, became paralyzed on the trip so we cut it short. We will finish the journey in 2013, when we will return to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

Rules on the Road 2011 (revised 8/1/11)

Before each of my long car-camping trips to the north, I made up lists of the "rules" I had to follow on the road.  The below list is the one for this trip. During my three prior trips --- in which I probably traveled 38,000 miles over 120+ days ---  little went wrong that I was unprepared for thanks to my contingency planning and following my list of rules on the road.  After I write the rules down, I rarely refer to them again except to read them a few times during the trip to see how I am doing.

“Northeast to Alaska

1. Do not set off until I am 100 percent ready to go.
2. Don’t leave the Leben and Erde unnecessarily unattended.
3. When I must leave the Leben and Erde, secure them.
4. Keep Leben and Erde under control all of the time.
5. Exercise and train Leben and Erde every day.
6. Let Leben and Erde have fun.
7. Keep Leben and Erde clean, dry, comfortable, healthy.
8. Treat Leben and Erde fairly and equally.
9. Don’t drive when tired.
10. Drive safely, legally, carefully at all times.
11. Drive only a reasonable distance each day.
12. Don’t drive after sunset.
13. Keep the car clean, neat, maintained.
14. Retire early; get a good night’s sleep; get up early.
15. Exercise some every day.
16. Eat healthily.
17. Minimal drinking (in evening only).
18. Stay clean, dry, comfortable, healthy.
19. Keep the Defender and camp organized, tidy.
20. Make a place for everything and put everything in its place.
21. No unnecessary socializing.
22. Get on road early, efficiently each day.
23. Plan each day’s goals.
24. Follow the checklists.
25. Keep a daily log and journal.
26. Update the blog at lest one a week.
27. Enjoy what there is to enjoy each day.
28. Act smartly, intelligently, safely (especially on roof rack).
29. If there’s a problem, fix it, prevent it recurring, move on.
30. There’s a solution for every important problem so don’t give up.
31. Don’t blame anything on Leben, Erde, God, yourself or others.
32. If something is important and urgent, Do it now!
33. Help others where you can.
34. Don’t take any unnecessary or uncalculated risks.
35. Respect nature; leave campsites as I found them or better.
36. Always have the right views thoughts, words, and actions.
37. Leave behind the noise in DC.
38. Always keep the purpose of the trip in mind.
39. The only important goal is for all of us to get home safely.
40. Turning back is always an option.
41. Use the iPad only as an essential last resort.
42. Do it right the first time.
43. Do what is right, no matter what the consequences to myself.